Time Pass  

Posted by Ram in

Yeah that is the word that comes immediately to my Mind, when I think of all the Election based programs that are being televised, a small Consolation though is that these programs at least are entertaining unlike the Stupid Soaps and the Dumb Reality Shows.

Well on a Serious Note, if one were to dissect the Contents of these shows, one would observe that, Like Indian Cinema which has pretty much remained Unchanged in terms of Content, these shows too have remained Unchanged over the decades. All that has changed is the Packaging. Leaders still promise food, shelter and basic facilities for the weaker sections (Huh, it is indeed a sad state of affairs that we have this situation even after 6 decades of Independence), Leaders still speak of Free * ( Fill the (*)wild character with whatever u want to) to people.

The climax of this entertainment is the Election Manifesto and the discussions over it. I seriously would like to know how much of that Manifesto has changed over the past decades, and how seriously do these parties value this Manifesto?All they seem to value and treasure is their Money bank and Muscle Bank. They seem to have clearly understood that there exists a significant section of the Voting population who are very loyal ( read as Stupid) when it comes to Voting, and hence they confidently keep repeating the rhetoric, without caring a damn about the Implementation.

Well, Let us all enjoy this Time Pass, as this provides us all some relief from the usual Nonsense, But let us not make fools out of ourselves by continuing to Vote for these parties. Let us keep all our love for a family or for an organization at the doorstep and vote for a better future for all us. Let us Vote for 49-O.

This entry was posted on Monday, April 6, 2009 at 11:18 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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