Never Before Never Again  

Posted by Ram in

Equity Markets bleeding, Commodities tanking, Inflation rising and grimness prevailing might be the situation outside, but step into my room and the atmosphere is of sheer joy, thanks to my wonderful room mate. U might ask me whats so special about him? I must say that he is one of the finest story tellers that i have ever met.

I am really feeling bad for not having met him when i was a kid for it would have been really entertaining then. OK, no more making u wait, here we go, i am listing the gems.

It was a bore and dull evening until my room mate decided to change that with his wonderful story, It was about his story at London Airport, He started off by saying that London Airport is really big and since i have not seen London Airport i did not do anything but to acknowledge it, and then he went on saying that, with 200 terminals it is so huge, I was now shocked, however big an airport might be 200 was a colossal number, but still did not say anything and quietly heard through the rest of the story. Part-2 of this incident was even more funny, he narrated the same story to another set of people the next day and all of a sudden the terminals count became 300.!!!!!!!!!!!. I was dumbfounded, How could construction happen so quickly??? well then i checked it out and it seems that now Heathrow has only 5 terminals,

Surely my room mate cannot be wrong,they must have closed the rest down :)

Second one was when my room mate gave me the most amazing explanation ever given for the rise of USD(US Dollar) against the INR (Indian Rupee). I was having my dinner when he came in and asked me " Did U watch Bill Clinton's speech?", I replied "NO", then he went on and said " It was a great speech and with this Wonderful speech, Clinton has brought an end to the political Instability prevailing in the US and because of that the USD has started to rise".

Never I knew that US was in Political instability" nor did i knew before that " The speech of an Ex-President in support of his party candidate was good enough to move the currency of a nation against other currencies".

Third one was when he enlightened me about how Human Body works. "People moving from Tropical Countries to America and other cold countries can withstand the first winter easily its only from the second winter that these people will start to feel tough" Before i could ask "Why" he came up with the explanation, its because our blood will be hot and hence we wont feel the cold during the first year, but over a period of time it becomes cold and hence we start to feel the chillness from the second year onwards.

I drew a blank face and i did not know how to respond to this. I somehow managed to ask him, Who told this ?, Pat came the reply " A Doctor" but please do not ask me the name of the doctor, for he never revealed that to me " :)

Now don't these incidents justify the title??

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 6:45 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Hi Dear,

Your roomie seemed to be an intelligent guy for me . Can you introduce him to me plss? He is like our captain kanth. Anyways enjoy ur stay with him,not everyone in this world get these kinda golden opportunities.

October 30, 2008 at 10:40 AM

Wow! It seems they are lot of things to be learn from ur room mate!

October 30, 2008 at 11:26 AM


October 30, 2008 at 7:54 PM

Is your roomie hari's friend?

November 2, 2008 at 8:17 PM

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