Will It?  

Posted by Ram in ,

Religion- A set of rituals and practices that if followed will take us close to the Eternal or a set of stupid practices followed by people who do not have faith in themselves. Your view could be any one of those aforementioned ones depending on whether u believe in the existence of a Super Power or not.

Where did it come from? Why was it conceived? A search would throw up tons of Information that might require a lifetime for us to go through them. I will put it simply as a set of practices which are "Symbolic". The reason why I say them to be symbolic is that looked as it is in a superficial way most of them do not make any sense. In fact i would go ahead and say that man was made to follow religion to make sure that he "Denounced" religion. Paradoxical, it might sound, but that is the purpose.

One who truly understands religion ends up getting detached from all the rituals that religion calls for.

So Why about religion now? Recent happenings in parts of India, have again highlighted the fact that Learned or Academically qualified we might be, we still are Uneducated when it comes to religion. Money paid ( God knows why) and Lives Taken all in the name of religion again highlight our "IGNORANCE".

Money paid in Huge quantities for Conversions and to sponsor Violence clearly shows that academic qualification or Economic Status are not indicators of Maturity.

I really don't know whether to laugh or cry at these happenings. I even feel that we are better off banning all the religions and closing down all the Churches, Mosques and Temples till we mature and truly understand the meaning of Religion. By meaning i don't mean the Text Book Meaning but the Intended meaning. Now will it Happen? "Hope" is the name of the game.

This entry was posted on Sunday, September 28, 2008 at 5:15 AM and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Nice Reflections Ram. When I went through the blog, one thing struck me. The Character of Elsworth Toohey from the Novel FountainHead . He stood for power. Absolute Power. Well, are these people who are engaging in such act of violence for the need of power? To achieve what? And yes they are illiterates and paupers when it comes to understanding the principles of Religion.I feel Rational thinking is the need of the hour.One needs to be properly educated(To think rationally the intended meaning) for it to Happen.

September 30, 2008 at 12:42 PM

And also I remember a quote I read somewhere... Power Corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely. If power is the only thing these fanatics(using Religion) want from such act of violence, then I feel this proverb is vindicated. The outcome of such acts only seems to corrupt individuals physically, mentally and morally.

September 30, 2008 at 12:48 PM

Oops, Dhruv after a long time, Yeah they are no better than Toohey. Thnks for coming and keep coming :)

September 30, 2008 at 6:28 PM

Kumradh, I am not able to understand ur point completely, If u can plz explain it will be gr8

September 30, 2008 at 11:28 PM

sorry ram..i spelled that wrong.
now i will give you my detailed presentation.
religion to me is kind of habbit.grouping our habbits and name them as single unit called religion.for inspiration we keep someone and call them as GOD.
we get passionate about our own religion and starts hating other religions.but they forget the basic thing that no religion in the world says to hate others by name of religion or by other way.
their hatred goes to such extent that they even doon mind if other religion people die and moreover feel happy forthat, leaving their humanity.
so with no humanity no love is there any religion in the world?

October 2, 2008 at 1:25 PM

Yep Spot on, Religion was formed to develop humanity and for the betterment of ppl, Losing all these things for the sake of protecting(?) religion is sheer stupidity. Well Said Kumardh :)

October 2, 2008 at 6:16 PM

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